Multiple timezone desktop clock
Multiple timezone desktop clock

multiple timezone desktop clock

Multiple time zone clocks indicate at a glance the time in a select number of locations simultaneously. These world time desk clocks have 12 or 24 hour analog clock dials. We custom make these world wall clocks specifically for you with options for size, material, finish, 12 hour or 24 hour clock dials and your choice of location names on labels under each clock dial.ĭesk Clocks - This world clock category has all of our multi-dial desk clocks. Multiple Time Zone Wall Clocks - In this world clock category you will find all of our analog type multi-dial wall models having clock dials with hands. A world clock screen saver and world travel clocks are also in this group. Another type of world city clock uses a movable dial to determine the time in any specific city or time zone. These also function as time date world clocks. Some international world clocks have an LCD and a keypad for selecting the time in a specific time zone or city. Some international world time clocks here illustrate how the world is divided into time zones using a map display, indicating the time for each time zone. International Time Zone Clocks - This category has world time zone clocks that use one display for all locations. As an authorized sales center for the Geochron since 1996, we offer customer support and competitive pricing. The four Geochron models are available in a variety of trim and finish choices. The Geochron clock is a complete world map clock illustrating every time zone, a day date clock calendar, and a changing light pattern that indicates the sun-lit portion of the earth. Or email: World Clocks - The ultimate international time zone clock is the Geochron Global Time Indicator. If you have any questions please call me toll free. Some of our Digital Time Zone Clocks are the most economical The Geochron is the premier World Time Zone Clock. Most items are custom made with your choice of label names, finishes, American Hardwoods Authentic Models replicas theme from nautical and aviation right through to navigational instruments and classic cars and are as intricate as they are charming, celebrating the world’s adventurous past to envision the future.These six categories of World Clocks offer many items that are only available Each piece is inspired by an ancient endeavour and given its own unique story with an age-old aesthetic to evoke a feeling reminiscent of nostalgia. Authentic ModelsĪuthentic Models collection of ornaments, lighting and furniture are enthused with the spirit of exploration and historical adventure. Simply set the clocks to three time zones of your preference and then label each to keep track of time in locations of friends and loved ones across the globe. Finished in an aged bronze tone, this vintage style desk clock will look beautiful on the mantelpiece, on a console or at the head of your home office desk. This stunning Authentic Models Multiple Time Zone Desk Clock features three clocks on stands of varying heights with hardware for labels in front of each.

Multiple timezone desktop clock